Sebastian Gier

Sebastian Gier

Sebastian Gier

Co-Founder and Managing Director AT Footprint


Sebastian Gier is the Co-Founder of Footprint, a digital climate tech startup. Further, he is the host of the Designdrives Podcast where he interviews global design leaders on the impact of design. For the last 5 years, he designed future mobility experiences at BMW Group as a Design Lead for rear-seat passenger and mobile app experiences. He gained many international design recognitions and had the chance to be invited to speak at conferences around the world on design and innovation.


Designing for positive impact.


As designers we like to create a positive impact but often struggle to find this in our work. The talk will capture both practical takeaways on how designers can find the positive impact in their work and tips how to be more influential. Designer’s impact can come in many ways, for example ecological, economical, sociological, psychological, and technological. The talk summaries a body of learnings from interviewing over 75 design leaders on the positive impact of design, designing digital experience at BMW Group, founding a digital climate tech startup called Footprint and helping many early stage startups in the web3 space to foster a business and product vision that creates confidence for investors.