Amuse 2023 - Julian Della Mattia
Julian Della Mattia
ReOps Specialist at the180
About Julian Della Mattia

Julian started as a Product Manager in Argentina, became a UX Researcher in Berlin and specialized in Research Ops in Barcelona.

Through his agency, he has been helping tech companies all over Europe in establishing and scaling research practices, building the infrastructure and training teams in product discovery.

Apart from his agency work with the180, he's currently leading the UX Research team at

Research Ops: the backbone of product discovery
UX Conference
Level: General
In schedule:
Amuse Stage
October 5, 16:00 - 16:45 CET

If you really want to take your product discovery practice to the level you must build the proper research infrastructure. And this is where Research Ops comes to play.ReOps is normally associated to UX Research but actually the whole Product org can benefit from it, even if you have no researchers in your company. ReOps is a practice that goes from building insight repositories to participant po...